Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

1 lat english science dailly examination

1 English science daily examination
1.       Object hard to move is ….
a.       Ball                 b. box                   c. marble
2.       Rotating object is …
a.       Clock             b. bird                   c. ball
3.       The source of energy in a toy car is...
a.       Food                b. battery            c. magnet
4.       Sun produce …. energy
 a. heat                   b. water             c. electric
5.       the object that can attract by magnet is …
              a.     pin                   b. paper               c. pencil
6.       Mother cooking consume …. Energy
a.       heat               b. light                  c. sound
7.       radio consume … energy
a.       water            b. wind                 c. electric
8.       TV consumes electric energy and Produce …….
a.       Wind energy.
b.      Water energy
c.       sound energy
9.       Kite can fly by consume ...
a.       Wind energy
b.      Water energy.
c.       Electric energy
10.   computer consume …
a.       Electric energy
b.      Wind energy
c.       Water energy.
11.   in the morning we can see …
a.       moon            b. star                   c. sun
12.   when the night comes, we can see …
a.       sun and comets
b.      moon and stars
c.       cloud and rainbow
13.   sun rise from …
a.       east               b. west                 c. north
14.   Sun sets at ….
a.       East                b. west                 c. south
15.   After rain we can see…
a.       Sun                                b. moon               c. rainbow
16.   We can see the stars at …
a.       Night             b. day                    c. afternoon
17.   We can see the rainbow at …
a.       Night             b. day                    c. evening
18.   Season in Indonesia is …
a.       autumn        b. raining             c. winter
19.   the weather is too hot, it is …
a.       summer       b. winter              c. raining
20.   when the rain comes, we use …
a.       eyeglass       b. earphone       c. umbrella         
I. Fill the blanks
1.          Oven consumes ……………………energy
2.          Fan consumes ………………………energy
3.          Kite consumes ………………………energy
4.          We get energy from ……………..
5.          Sun produce ………………………..and ……………………………………..energy
6.          We can see because ………………………………..energy
7.          When we speak, we produce …………………..energy
8.          Television produce light and sound energy because consume ………………………energy
9.          Radio consume ………………………..energy and produce ………………………….energy
10.      Write the kinds of energies! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
11.      Mention the sky object that you know …………………………………………..
12.      Mention the day sky object ……………………………………………………………
13.      Mention the night sky object ………………………………………………………….
14.      We can see star and moon at …………………………………………….
15.      We can see sun and cloud at ………………………………………………
16.      Sun rise from …………………….. and sets at …………………
17.      Indonesia has ……………..and ………………season
18.      When the rain comes, we use ………………. 

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